Welcome To Agroslices


Size Varies widely; typically 1-10 cm in diameter
Shape Cap and stem
Cap Diameter 0.5 cm to 30 cm, depending on the species
Cap Color Varied (white, brown, red, yellow, etc.)
Stem Length Varies, usually 2-20 cm
Stem Color Typically white, but can be colored
Gills Located on the underside of the cap
Gill Color Can be white, pink, brown, or black
Spore Print Color Important for identification, various colors
Texture Smooth, silky, or rough depending on species
Odor Varies, can be earthy, fruity, or pungent
Taste Mild to strong, varies by species
Habitat Diverse, found in forests, grasslands, etc.
Edibility Edible, poisonous, or inedible
Lifespan Short-lived, usually a few days to a week